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JCooperTalk Shows Featured On Global Media - Radio & Talk Shows

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

Ian Johnson & Ron Clark (Founders of Chat & Spin Radio) interview Jacqui Cooper (Talk Show Host of JCooperTravels, LoveTravelScotland & CryptoMom) about her journey as an entrepreneur and how she created her online talk shows.

Ian, Ron & Jacqui spoke about tips on how to find your passion business as well as where to go as we journey in life. Over 800,000 listeners (ages 15 to 90) enjoyed the live interview on March 7, 2021.

Jacqui spoke about LoveTravelScotland Talk Show & the desire to help promote local businesses in Scotland. Individuals were encourage to connect on LoveTravelScotland Facebook Group to learn more about travel to Scotland & businesses to discover.

Jacqui also shared information about JCooperTravels Talk Show & how we travel in different ways during our life journey. She invited listeners to reach out to her so they could be featured on her talk shows as well. They also spoke about travel in the UK and around the world as it is starting to open up.

Finally, she mentioned CryptoMom and how she is exploring the world of cryptocurrency to include her successful adventure with the altcoin, BizzCoin. Listeners were invited to connect to learn more about how they can become involved in the world of cyrptocurrency.

Chat & Spin Radio is a 24 hour non-profit Internet radio station located in United Kingdom & Internationally, broadcasting over 7 years.


Jacqui's Contact Information:


Got Side Hustles Talk Show:

Episode 126 is about a mega-podcasting mom, Jacqueline Cooper. In this show, we talk about all her podcasts, her side hustles, and how she manages to travel for free every year. She's a single mom with a mission, and she shares all her success models with us. Jacqui and I covered a lot of ground since she has her hands in so many pots - and she knows how to stir them. From lessons on choosing the best affiliates to how to leverage your residual income to what thrills her about CryptoCurrency, if you have ANY side hustle dreams or plans, then Jacqui’s experience is really going to motivate and excite you!

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